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Please check this page often for new class dates and times.

Private Pilot Class Start Date TBD
Instrument Pilot Start Date TBD

Knock out your Private Pilot or Instrument Pilot Ground School requirement, and this course is designed to prepare you for the written test. (computer assisted) Registration is open through Kirkwood, all details below:


Location:  Kirkwood Linn County Regional Center
Classroom:  210
Address:  1770 Boyson Road (West of I-380)
Hiawatha IA  52233
Park in the rear of the building
Books/Supplies:  $135, Purchase directly from P&N Flight and Charter, address below.  Note:  Books will be available for purchase after 1/7/23.  (We like to get a good headcount before ordering.)  You can stop in to pick them up during business hours or the 1st day of class if you are unable to get them before class starts.  
•    P&N Flight and Charter
•    1710 Marion Airport Rd
•    Marion IA  52302
•    Between 8-4 PM M-F & 8-2pm Sat-Sun
•    Phone:  319-377-0457

How to Register online: 
-Click on the magnifying glass in the upper right corner to Search by course name
-Enter:  "Private Pilot"
-Click on the session that starts 1/8/24 or 3/19/24
-Add to Cart and checkout

Private Pilot Ground School

Cost:  $99, Pay Kirkwood College

Instructor:  Jan Walton  (DPE)

Course/Class:  CTRV-1200/137851

Start Date:  3/19/24, Tuesday

Class time:  6-9:00 PM

Duration:  8 Tuesday Sessions

Instrument Pilot Ground School

Cost:  $99, Pay Kirkwood College

Instructor:  Jan Walton  (DPE)

Course/Class:  CTRV-1200/137848

Start Date:  1/8/24, Monday

Class time:  6-9:00 PM

Duration:  8 Monday Sessions


Private Pilot

Ground supplement to the flight training to become a private pilot and pass the private pilot knowledge test. The private pilot certification allows you to fly in fair weather, day or night, and carry passengers. 


Commercial Pilot

Prepare in person for the commercial pilot written test. Commercial pilots are allowed to fly for hire in dozens of areas including charter, aerial survey, and air tours.


Instrument Pilot

Learn about flying only using reference to instruments. Follow an instrument flight plan to get to your destination safely through clouds plus in and out of the worlds largest airports.

Each ground school class is accomplished in person in a classroom setting. The curriculum can also be studied one-on-one with a CFI as part of the flight training if you are unable to attend one of the classes. We strongly advise against some flight schools that offer two day weekend classes; while this may be less time commitment, it produces bad habits, minimal retention, and low test scores. P&N's ground schools are typically in partnership with Kirkwood Community College Continuing Education. The best flying weather is in the summer months and we do not typically hold a ground school then. Start dates are in January, March, and September. Each class is 8 weeks long and one night per week from 6:00pm - 9:00pm. There are no prerequisites but we encourage some lesson time with a flight instructor in an airplane before taking a class. The classes are geared towards all types of aircraft including airplanes and helicopters. Once class is complete or you receive an endorsement from your instructor, you may take the test at our test center in Marion, one of only a few in the state.

1710 Marion Airport Road, Marion, IA                                1684 230th Street, Independence, IA

             Tel: 319-377-0457                                                                          Tel: 319-777-9488


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