FAA exams at P&N Flight & Charter. You can take your exam and get instant results. The cost is $170.00 per exam. It is an online registration, scheduling and payment process.
Send an email to: Info@fly-iowa.com to request the full online registration instructions or register directly at:
Click Sign up, under New User section, unless you have an account, then sign in.
IMPORTANT: Use zip code search of 52302 to locate our test center for available dates and times.
With the online process, you pay, schedule and register in advance, so this is taken care of before your test date, allowing you to focus on your test.
Test Center Location and contact info: Marion Airport, 1710 Marion Airport Rd, Marion, IA 52302 319-377-0457 8-4pm or email: info@fly-iowa.com
Independence Municipal Airport ,1684 230th Street, Independence, IA. info@fly-iowa.com
Tel: 319-777-9488
Available Tests Include:
Private Pilot
Instrument Pilot and Instrument Instructor
Commercial Pilot
Flight Instructor
Fundamentals of Instruction
Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic
Ground Instructor Advanced and Instrument
UAG Drone
Bring the following information on the day of testing:
Government issued photo ID with with current address and Date of birth.
If your current address is not on your photo ID, bring two forms of proof of current address such as a utility bill, voter registration or vehicle registration.
Endorsement to take the test, if required. (An endorsement is not needed for UAG Drone tests. Endorsements are typically a Certificate of Completion or Instructor confirming that you are ready for the test.
If a RETAKE, bring the Original Score Report from your last attempt. The bottom of the Score Report should be completed by your instructor, confirming you are ready to retake the test.

PSI True Talent is a leading provider of web-delivered, high-stakes testing and assessment solutions for major government and corporate clients, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Air Marshal Program, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of the Comptroller of Currency, the Office of Personnel Management, USAHire, Procter & Gamble, Jones NCTI (programs for Bright House, Cox, Time Warner), and many others. In addition to proctored web based testing, the PSI True Talent Testing
Center Network also provides I-9 Verification Processing.
Our Test Center Location: Independence Muncipal Airport Ph: 319-777-9488

If you do not want to study on your own, our course is taught in person one-on-one with a certified flight instructor and commercial pilot who holds and unmanned aircraft certification. This is one of the few places in the region that offers this training in person. Upon completion you can take you computerized test on site to earn your unmanned aircraft certification. Unlike an online ground school, we will walk you through the process start to finish. Group classes are available for news media employees, first responders, realtors, and and aerial service companies.
Through our in-person course, you will learn all of the required information to pass the test, including:
Applicable regulations relating to small unmanned aircraft system rating privileges, limitations, and flight operation
Airspace classification and operating requirements, and flight restrictions affecting small unmanned aircraft operation
Aviation weather sources and effects of weather on small unmanned aircraft performance
Small unmanned aircraft loading and performance
Emergency procedures
Crew resource management
Radio communication procedures
Determining the performance of small unmanned aircraft
Physiological effects of drugs and alcohol
Aeronautical decision-making and judgment
Airport operations
Maintenance and preflight inspection procedures